On 4 December: vote 1 Group B above the line to elect Peaceful Bayside to Council
On 4 December: vote 1 Group B above the line to elect Peaceful Bayside to Council
On 4 December: vote 1 Group B above the line to elect Peaceful Bayside to Council
Summer Competition
2021 - 2022
Coming soon....
our policies
Peaceful Bayside is bringing community action and fresh, visionary leadership to Bayside

Elect Carolin Wenzel
as your Ward 2 councillor
Make Your Vote Count for:
Safer streets for people, including lighting
Well-managed green spaces, including parks and bush reserves
Liveable, inclusive neighbourhoods
Cleaner, more accessible beaches and waterways
Better walking and cycle paths
More support for local arts and events
fresh, visionary leadership
Your Ward 2 Peaceful Bayside team from left to right: Gordon Ivanovski, Carolin Wenzel and David Levinson

Meet Carolin Wenzel
I’ve lived along the Cooks River for 17 years and at Wolli Creek in Bayside since 2016, with my husband and two Tibetan Spaniels. I want to see all of Bayside be liveable, with high quality and responsible development. I care about keeping our waterways clean and vibrant for wildlife and open for all of us to enjoy the bush reserves, walkways, cycleways, parks, and amenities, as well as connect with local heritage.
I am the convenor of the Discovery Point Community Garden and a founding member of the Barton Reconciliation Action Group and of Electrify Wolli Creek, which promotes understanding on how to access renewable energy.
From 2007 to 2015 I was one of the drivers of a community group that successfully lobbied for the establishment of Sydney City Farm in Sydney Park, and I maintain the City Farm Lovers Sydney Facebook page. I am a communications consultant with 30 years of experience guiding not-for-profit organisations to tell their stories and drive positive change in the Australian community.

Meet David Levinson
I live car-free in Arncliffe with my wife and three kids. I am a founding member and first President of WalkSydney, the peak advocacy body for walking in Sydney. Prior to that was a founder of streets.mn in Minnesota, USA. I joined the University of Sydney from the University of Minnesota in 2017 as the Foundation Professor in Transport Engineering, where I conduct research on Transport and Land Use. I am the Founding Editor of the Journal of Transport and Land Use and currently the editor of Findings. I have authored several books and write at Transportist, a newsletter on transport.
My goals for Bayside Council focus on improving footpaths, bike routes and streets to ensure safe, resilient and convenient access for all residents to public transport, shops, schools and parks, creating a better Bayside community.

Meet Gordon Ivanovski
I’ve lived in Bayside for seven years and am committed to implementing initiatives to improve outcomes for the community. I’ll be leveraging my experience in finance and product management to ensure resources are allocated to areas that are beneficial and satisfy the community needs while keeping in line with budgetary guidance. I am also a father and have a genuine interest in the introduction and easy access to services and community programs for families. I am supportive of ongoing community engagement forums and programs to ensure residents are heard and supported.